
John Bilderback
John Bilderback is a non-conformist. He lives at Sunset Beach on the North Shore of Oahu, in a small house with his drums, his photos and a deep, lifelong love of the ocean.
Raised on an island off the East Coast of the United States, he lived for several years in Del Mar, Calif., while studying photography at the University of California at San Diego.
Assisting the likes of Dean Collins and Pulitzer Prize winner Gregory Heisler, he tasted many different forms of photography before moving to the islands in 1989 at the request of his photo editor. Working for Aaron Chang and Jeff Hornbaker,
his belief that no other pursuit could ever be as profound and fulfilling as the quest for epic ocean conditions and their capture was cemented.
Since then, he has spent years in the water at Sunset Beach, Pipeline and Waimea looking for angles overlooked by the rank and file. He likes books about physics, enjoys gifted musicians and waits for big, uncrowded surf at Backyards.
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Rob Gilley
Rob Gilley, a San Diego-based photographer, has been an exclusive contributor to SURFER Publications for 16 years.
He’s worked for the magazine in a variety of capacities and calls life as a surf photographer one of the most
satisfying pursuits imaginable. Gilley's traveled extensively for SURFER and finds photo trips to be the job's
greatest perk. While inspired by many surf photographers, he cites Ron Stoner as the first true master of the color
surf genre and highly regards the work of photographers outside of the surfing realm such as David Doubliet, Walter
Ioss Jr., Wayne Levin and Annie Leibowitz.
Gilley will launch a limited-edition photographic print business this fall. Visitors to his
website, will be able to purchase signed, ready-to-hand photos.
There are two types of surf photographers, says Gilley. Those who show up at the beach and shoot whatever crosses their path and
those who pre-visualize situations and consistently attempt to produce the most compelling photographs. It's my sincere hope that
people will see my work and conclude that I belong to the latter group.
Kevin Welsh
Upon graduating from Brevard Community College with an AS degree in photography, I was offered a job as photo editor at Wave
Rider magazine, an East Coast surf mag. A couple years later, I started my own mag, U.S. Surf, then went on to Swell magazine-all
East Coast surf mags. After struggling with the high costs of producing full-blown four-color magazines during the peak of the mid-'80s recession,
I accepted a position at SURFER Magazine in 1987 from then-publisher Steve Pezman and then-editor Paul Holmes. Because of
my close ties within the East Coast surf industry, I was made East Coast advertising sales rep and staff photographer.
In the early 90s, I complemented my still photography with video. After picking up a Canon L1 Hi-8 video camera
(just in time for the epic Halloween swell of '91), I launched Surf NRG Videos, my own video production and distribution company.
Together, they work in harmony in capturing the essence of surfing in both the print and video media. Today, I'm working on my
ninth volume of the Surf NRG Video Series.